

1 Strip Oak Grading

1 Strip Oak AB

One of the most desired and cleanest gradings available. Minimal sapwood presence, healthy knots diameter below 30 mm, knot repairs with filler below 20 mm.

1 Strip Oak ABC

Perfect blend of natural Oak as it comes in nature. You will find some A grade boards and most of BC. This grade looks cleaner than the Village grade, as there are fewer knots. Sapwood up to 30 mm wide from each side and healthy knots can reach 100mm diam. Filler size in repaired knots is below 35mm in width, filled crack can be present up to 50 mm and 2mm width.

1 Strip Oak BC

Mixture of Town and Village gradings. This grade is cleaner than the Village grade, as there are fewer knots. Sapwood up to 30 mm wide from each side and healthy knots can reach 100mm diam. Filler size in repaired knots is below 35mm in width, filled crack can be present up to 50 mm and 2mm width

1 Strip Oak CD

Higher color variation mixed in a fair proportion of Village and Rustic boards. Occasional sapwood below 50 mm width, unlimited healthy knots and fallen out repaired knots diameter below 60 mm, filled crack < 150 mm and 10mm width. Repaired cracks allowed.

1 Strip Oak City

Little or no color variation. Sapwood not allowed, healthy knots diameter below 10 mm, no repaired knots.

1 Strip Oak Elite

Moderate or little color variation allowed. Minimal sapwood presence, healthy knots diameter below 10 mm, knot repairs with filler below 7 mm

1 Strip Oak Town

Moderate color variation allowed. Minimal sapwood presence, healthy knots diameter below 30 mm, knot repairs with filler below 20 mm

1 Strip Oak Nordic

Moderate color variation with sapwood present, healthy knots diameter below 10 mm, knot repairs with filler below 7 mm

1 Strip Oak Village

Higher color variation allowed. Occasional sapwood below 30 mm width, healthy knots diameter below 100 mm and fallen out repaired knots diameter below 35mm, filled crack < 50 mm, width up to 2mm.

1 Strip Oak Rustic

Higher color variation allowed. Occasional sapwood below 50 mm width, unlimited healthy knots and fallen out repaired knots diameter below 60 mm, filled crack < 150x10mm. Repaired cracks allowed.

1 Strip Oak Nova

Moderate color variation.
Sapwood not allowed, healthy knots diameter <10 mm, knot repairs with filler <5 mm. Filled crack (width <2 mm and length <50 mm) allowed.

1 Strip Oak Vivid

High color variation. Sapwood allowed up to 1/3 of the width. Healthy knots diameter
< 30 mm, knot repairs with filler < 20 mm

1 Strip Nordic S

Natural color variation. Sapwood manually stained. Healthy knots diameter <10 mm, knot repairs with filler <7 mm.

3 Strip Oak Grading

3 Strip Oak Town

Moderate color variation. Sapwood not allowed, healthy knots diameter below 10 mm, repaired knots diameter below 10 mm

3 Strip Oak Nordic

Moderate color variation with sapwood present, healthy knots diameter below 10 mm, repaired knots diameter below 10 mm

3 Strip Oak Village

Natural color variation with sapwood allowance < 15 mm on lamella sides, healthy and repaired knots diameter below 15 mm

3 Strip Oak Vintage

High color variation and sapwood allowed, healthy and repaired knots diameter < 20 mm 1 Strip Ash Grading

1 Strip Ash Grading

1 Strip Ash Elite

Light natural color variation with no brownheart allowed, no dark and light contrast. Occasional healthy knots below 10mm and repared knots below 5mm.

1 Strip Ash Elegant

Natural color variation with brownheart present, contrast of light and dark colors. Occasional healthy and repaired knots diam. below 25 mm

3 Strip Ash Grading

3 Strip Ash Elite

Very light natural color variation, no brownheart allowed. Occasional healthy knots below 8mm and repared knots below 5mm.

3 Strip Ash Elegant

Natural color variation with brownheart present, contrast of light and dark colors. Occasional halthy knots diam. below 15 mm. And repared knots below 10mm.

Sorting table

Herringbone and Chevron Oak

Herringbone AB

Moderate natural color variation, less than 50% of boards are allowed to have sapwood below 30 mm from side. Repaired knot diameter max. 20mm, heatlhy knot max. 25 mm 

Chevron AB

Moderate natural color variation, less than 50% of boards are allowed to have sapwood below 30 mm from side. Repaired knot diameter max. 20mm, heatlhy knot max. 25 mm

Herringbone Nordic S

Natural color variation, sapwood manually stained. Repaired knot diameter max. 20mm, heatlhy knot max. 25 mm

Chevron Nordic S

Natural color variation, sapwood manually stained. Repaired knot diameter max. 20mm, heatlhy knot max. 25 mm

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